Mondays with MATLAB – Nordic HPC Workshop 3

September 23, 2024 11:50 AM
Hybrid (Online) and Gróska, Bjargargötu 1, 102 Reykjavik - Entrance A, 1st Floor (Room: Fenjamýri)
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Mondays with MATLAB – Nordic HPC Workshop 3

Please see the AGENDA for registration and more information!

Workshop 3 (23rd September, 24th September and 25th September 2024) will involve hands-on sessions where participants will get to submit jobs on an HPC cluster that is most relevant to them based on their country.

IHPC Iceland MATLAB cluster day – 25th of September – Icelandic Researchers will have the opportunity to submit hands-on jobs on the Icelandic national computing cluster provided by IREI.

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Mondays with MATLAB – Nordic HPC Workshop 3


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