Algorithmic Mathematics Lab

Algorithmic Mathematics Lab

Major Competencies

The study of permutation patterns is a very active area of research and has connections to many other fields of mathematics as well as to computer science and physics. One of the main questions in the field is the enumeration problem: Given a particular set of permutations, how many permutations does the set have of each length? The main goal of this research group is to develop novel algorithms which aid researchers in finding structures in sets of permutations and use those structures to find generating functions to enumerate the set. Our research interests lead also into various topics in discrete mathematics and computer science.







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Lab news and events


Head of the lab

Prof. Christian Bean

Lecturer at Keele University

Christian is a lecturer at Keele University. He was a postdoc at the School of Computer Science at Reykjavik University in Iceland, working on the postdoctoral fellowship titled “Permutation classes and combinatorial exploration. He held a one year postdoc position at LIPN, Université Paris Nord in France. He completed his PhD at the School of Computer Science at Reykjavik University in Iceland, under the supervision of Henning Ulfarsson.

Head of the lab

Prof. Michael Albert

Professor of Computer Science at the University of Otago

Michael joined the Computer Science department at Otago in December 2000. In his previous existence as a pure mathematician he was interested in a variety of topics, ranging from combinatorics through algebra, into model theory, with the occasional side trip into statistics. Moving to Computer Science hasn’t changed that sort of pack rat behaviour, but his current interests are in the boundary regions between computer science and discrete mathematics, particularly algorithms and data structures, combinatorial computing, but especially the combinatorics of permutations, and combinatorial games.

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Projects & Cooperations

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Selected Publications