Simulation and Data Lab Computational Physics

Major Competencies
This Simulation and Data Lab (SDL) is an informal group working on electrical, optical and transport properties of nanoscale semiconductor systems, two-dimensional electron gases in semiconductor heterostructures, quasi-one-dimensional electron systems in quantum wires, and quasi zero-dimensional electron systems in quantum dots. The emphasis has been on the shape and topology of the systems and the effects of the mutual interaction of their constituents. Commonly, the systems have been in an external homogeneous magnetic field.
Advanced Quantum Many-Body System Analysis
Specialized in studying both open and closed quantum many-body systems through a blend of analytical and numerical methodologies. Expertise spans across using discrete grids or continuous functional spaces, representing systems in either real or reciprocal space. The approach is strengthened by leveraging parallel numerical strategies, utilizing FORTRAN with OpenMP on CPUs and CUDA with CuBLAS and MAGMA on GPUs, ensuring efficient heterogeneous computations.
Material Science and Doped Graphene Analysis
Ventured into the realm of material science, specifically emphasizing the application of DFT methods. The focus here is on examining the electrical, optical, and thermal effects presented by various types of doped graphene sheets.
Embracing Complexity in Physics
While acknowledging the critical role of reductionism and foundational models in physics, there's a significant emphasis on understanding the nuances of complexity and its significance in natural phenomena. This intricate exploration is facilitated and enriched by the capabilities of contemporary parallel processing facilities.
Quantum optical systems
The group explores and applies various approachesranging from exact numerical models in truncated many-bodyFock spaces to quantum electrodynamial models integrated withDFT (QEDFT) to describe static and dynamical properties of smallor extended, open or closed, many-body electron systems interactingwith photon modes in far-infrared cavities. Special attention is paid to model details emerging frominterplay of the shape or the geometry of the systems,the complexity of their energy spectra, with theeffects of the external magnetic field
Lab news and events

Dr. Pavel Bessarab
Development of theoretical and computational methods for condensed matter physics, especially in the theoryof magnetism. Of particular interest are: origin of noncollinear magnetism in itinerant electron systems, thermalstability of magnetic states, large-scale evolution of magnetic states, ab initio atomistic spin dynamics, optimalcontrol of magnetization switching. Side project: Point-to-point radio wave ray tracing and interpretation ofseismic waves.

Prof. Andrei Monalescu
Andrei Manolescu was born in Bucharest, Romania, in 1958. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics engineering from the University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, and the Ph.D. degree in condensed matter physics from the Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, in 1992.,He worked until 1999 with the Institute of Atomic Physics Bucharest. From 1999 to 2007, he did research in human genetics at deCODE denetics, Reykjavík, Iceland. In 2008, he moved to Reykjaví University, Reykjavík, where he is currently a Professor. He is doing theoretical research on transport properties of nanoelectronic devices using modeling and

Prof. Viðar Guðmundsson
Víðar, a Professor in Theoretical Physics, specializes in the theory of electronic systems in dimensionally reduced semiconductors, exploring aspects like 2DEG, quantum dots, magnetization, transport, and time-dependent phenomena in nanosystems. His research also delves into transport through photon cavities and the intricacies of open systems. Víðar's academic foundation is rooted in a BS in Physics from the University of Iceland (1978), followed by an M.Sc. (1980) and Ph.D. (1985) in Theoretical Physics from the University of Alberta.
Projects & Cooperations
All IHPC ProjectsSelected Publications
Controlling the excitation spectrum of a quantum dot array with a photon cavity, Vidar Gudmundsson, Vram Mughnetsyan, Nzar Rauf Abdullah, Chi-Shung Tang, Valeriu Moldoveanu, and Andrei Manolescu, Phys. Rev. B 108, 115306 (2023),, (arXiv:2305.11544)
Effects of a far-infrared photon cavity field on the magnetization of a square quantum dot array, Vidar Gudmundsson, Vram Mughnetsyan, Nzar Rauf Abdullah, Chi-Shung Tang, Valeriu Moldoveanu, and Andrei Manolescu, Phys. Rev. B 106, 115308 (2022),, (arXiv:2203.11029)
Unified approach to cyclotron and plasmon resonances in a periodic two-dimensional GaAs electron gas hosting the Hofstadter butterfly, Vidar Gudmundsson, Vram Mughnetsyan, Nzar Rauf Abdullah, Chi-Shung Tang, Valeriu Moldoveanu, and Andrei Manolescu, Phys. Rev. B 105, 155302 (2022),, (arXiv:2112.08216)
Electroluminescence caused by the transport of interacting electrons through parallel quantum dots in a photon cavity, Vidar Gudmundsson, Nzar Rauf Abdullah, Anna Sitek, Hsi-Sheng Goan, Chi-Shung Tang, and Andrei Manolescu, Annalen der Physik 530, 1700334 (2018),, (arXiv:1706.03483)
Role of planar buckling on the electronic, thermal, and optical properties of Germagraphene nanosheets, Nzar Rauf Abdullah, Yousif Hussein Azeez, Botan Jawdat Abdullah, Hunar Omar Rashid, Andrei Manolescu, and Vidar Gudmundsson, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 153, 107163 (2023),, (arXiv:2210.04247)