Supramolecular and Inorganic Chemistry Lab

Major Competencies
Supramolecular and Inorganic chemistry lab focuses on developing supramolecular gels asreaction and crystalizing media and also evaluating the potential applications of coordinationcompounds in sorption studies, anion recognition, catalysis and as anticancer agents.
Lab news and events

Dr. Hemanadhan Myneni
Hemanadhan is a seasoned theoretical physicist and computer scientist. His core expertise revolves around the development of novel theoretical methods and the creation of scientific software codes tailored for electronic structure modelling. This specialization finds applications in various fields, including quantum chemistry, condensed matter physics, and materials science. Currently, Hemanadhan is immersed in crafting computational software designed for the simulation of chemical systems.

Sreejith Sudhakaran Jayabhavan
Researcher on Supramolecular gels